Kids only……………

Lately I have been working in the kids world and offcourse I want to share these nice images to help you get some cool inspiration for the kids room. Spring is just around the corner and this means release from all the design companies with their new spring/summer 2013 collections. I know it can be a jungle to sort out what to get, which look to go for, colors, wallpaper etc………So here is my moodboard for pre spring in the name of children….

First showing is from one of my favorite: Ferm Living

Ferm Living Ferm Living Ferm Living Ferm Living Ferm Living

Second I found these inspirational images from a cool blog: with Photo credits to: Photo credits: Riikka Kantinkoski

r_kantinkoski1 r_kantinkoski4 kantinkoski_huone5 weekdaycarnival_lastenhuone 3

These images are from the cool website: website 

They make these cool rustic toys that I am a huge fan of



usual usual usual Usual


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Why do I post my mood board and what is it for? Well in my world a mood board is a guideline of things I like, colors, structures, shapes, textiles etc not that I will actually use the things posted but it gives me a look that will guide me towards an expression, mood or feel that I can relate to through work, a job, a project in my private etc.    You should try it yourself if you want to redecorate, paint etc. look through mags and cut out what ever you like (it can be any mag. and any image) pin it to the wall or use tape on paper. I often pull out old mood boards if I need more inspiration.

Get started! It is a lot of fun but be careful it is addictive