The new black……..

I first saw this house 6 months ago when it was for sale. It is situated in Ystad, Sweden and I was blown away by how this huge house was so simple and carefully done on the interior design. I absolutely love the use of the “new black”: Ply wood!!! The mix here with the brick floors, huge steel beams in black, the old wooden floors and the plywood mix really brings the feeling of old ><new in a cool new way. I like the way the owners of this house have added some color to make it more warm and cozy and actually give you a feeling that someone lives here.

There is no new build/renovated home in Japan, Australia, Chile and now in Scandinavia that hasn´t thought in the plywood and concrete in some way, and I am a huge fan!………..Well anyway I spotted this house again in Plaza Deco and this time it was shot by one of the absolutely most fab. photographers Jonas Ingerstedt

I love his work and always seem to float away into another world when watching his work through a lens……….Thanks Jonas Ingerstedt for making my start of the day a little brighter